Friday, February 1, 2013


This is a bit of news from earlier in the year, but it's still brilliant to see recent design graduate Melissa Preston flying the flag for Napier (my old university) by winning a D & AD pencil. Melissa's packaging design for WLTM Whiskies is below, intended to connect with the female whisky drinker. She made a small mistake by spelling whisky wrong, adding the 'e' that's only associated with Irish and American brands, but great packaging idea all the same.

WLTM Whiskies

What makes Subway the top-ranked brand in Siegel + Gale's 2012 brand simplicity index?
Why do we behave so oddly in lifts? On the BBC website, via swissmiss.

"At one point I was wondering if this was going to become my tomb - if they were going to open the doors and there's my corpse.".

Artist Vincent Kohler shows the different pieces of wood that are cut from a log. Via Kottke.

Vincent Kohler wood cuts

It's been quite a while since I watched anything so beautifully 
produced as this short on Vimeo.

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